17 Feb 2024 » C-Dogs 2.0.0 Released!
Once in a blue moon, we have a major release, the big 2.0, featuring Cyberdogs!
Cyberdogs is a freeware DOS run-and-gun shooter by Ronny Wester, released in 1994. If that sounds familiar, that’s because it’s the prequel to C-Dogs! The two games look alike but actually play very different - in Cyberdogs you can earn money and buy and sell weapons between levels, and the gameplay is a lot more tense. There are many folks who prefer Cyberdogs to C-Dogs as a result.
With this release, we’ve added Cyberdogs as a campaign in C-Dogs SDL, so you can enjoy this classic oldie but goodie, but with all the modern C-Dogs SDL enhancements (wanna try 4 player co-op?) It’s no exaggeration to say this feature was 10 years in the making! In order to implement Cyberdogs, a lot of major features had to be made - buy/sell weapons, a revamped equip menu showing prices and ammo, new pickup types like over-healing and extra lives, enemies that can both shoot and melee, and many many more - not to mention lots of reverse engineering and tweaking gameplay so it feels the same. Some of the features have trickled out to other parts of C-Dogs SDL, for example the Wolf3D extra life pickups now actually give you an extra life 😆
Last but not least this release contains a bunch of fixes and enhancements made possible by awesome contributors, special thanks to reinerh for miscellaneous fixes and helping to get C-Dogs SDL into debian! Big thanks to all who made it happen. Also thanks to @PavanLuca, @naddoska, @rootkea and @hucarxiao for various contributions; it’s great to see that C-Dogs SDL is going slowly but strongly, so keep those patches and bug reports coming in!
Download free from itch.io: https://congusbongus.itch.io/cdogs-sdl/purchase
Release notes: https://github.com/cxong/cdogs-sdl/releases/tag/2.0.0
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28 Jul 2023 » C-Dogs 1.5.0 Released!
It’s a C-Dogs SDL release! With one minor feature: customize hats, hair, facial hair and glasses!
Plus a big bunch of fixes and enhancements! Thanks to @Kurtsley, @PavanLuca and @reinerh for fixing/raising them 💪
And finally, a controversial feature removal: quickplay!
Quickplay was a mode that was added way way back in version 0.5.2. It let players jump into a randomly generated level and start running and gunning, without having to choose a campaign. It was slightly improved over the years but the premise stayed the same: get started quickly and shoot up some bad guys.
However lots of players new to C-Dogs would pick this mode first, and walk away unimpressed by the game, thinking it’s just a simple shooting game. But with dozens of high quality campaigns, mods, even the ability to play Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny, this was a highly inaccurate impression!
Therefore I’ve made the decision to hide the feature entirely - you can’t play it unless you re-enable it via the source code. I could consider adding it back if enough people ask me to, or if we can greatly improve its quality.
And by the way, C-Dogs SDL is on Mastodon 🐘! Join and follow the #CDogsSDL tag to get more frequent updates, news and cool screenshots!
Download free from itch.io: https://congusbongus.itch.io/cdogs-sdl/purchase
Release notes: https://github.com/cxong/cdogs-sdl/releases/tag/1.5.0
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11 May 2023 » C-Dogs 1.4.2 Released!
Hey there, this is a bug fix release! There were crashes when bullets in some custom missions were missing hitsounds - nasty NULL
ptr bugs!
Download free from itch.io: https://congusbongus.itch.io/cdogs-sdl/purchase
Release notes: https://github.com/cxong/cdogs-sdl/releases/tag/1.4.2
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12 Feb 2023 » C-Dogs 1.4.1 Released!
Happy belated 2023! A feature release is in the works with exciting goodies, but until then here comes a bug fix release!
The most pressing fix is a Windows crash when adjusting audio settings, but there’s also a bunch of random bug fixes and tweaks if you check the release notes.
GIF unrelated - just a mission in the AI Insurgency campaign
If you want to stay up to date with the latest C-Dogs SDL development (cooking slowly), follow the GitHub project page: https://github.com/users/cxong/projects/3/views/1
Download free from itch.io: https://congusbongus.itch.io/cdogs-sdl/purchase
Release notes: https://github.com/cxong/cdogs-sdl/releases/tag/1.4.1
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13 Nov 2022 » C-Dogs 1.4.0 Released!
And now, another C-Dogs SDL release! As announced before, this release contains
- a new equip menu, but also
- a dedicated melee weapon slot, and also
- some campaigns have auto-melee weapons! (Doom, Wolf3D + Spear of Destiny)
Some long time C-Dogs fans may recall that in classic C-Dogs, players could have up to 3 weapons. Way back in version 0.6.7, we changed one of them to a dedicated grenade/explosives slot, in order to streamline the weapon switching controls and make grenades much more useful. But this would be bad for players who don’t use explosives in the first place, but like playing with two guns and a backup melee weapon (i.e. the trusty knife).
Well now you can do all that, because the redesigned equipment system allows 2 guns + melee + grenade, for a total of 4! And on the campaigns with auto-melee, you can pull off cool moves like finish weak enemies off by dashing into them and automatically hitting them with a melee weapon!
Download free from itch.io: https://congusbongus.itch.io/cdogs-sdl/purchase
Release notes: https://github.com/cxong/cdogs-sdl/releases/tag/1.4.0
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