C-Dogs 0.6.9 Released!

10 Nov 2018

C-Dogs SDL 0.6.9 released! This release adds bullet trails to hitscan guns, as well as Superhot mode…

Hitscan trails

Hitscan guns were added several releases ago, but one notable thing was missing… bullet trails! Well this release belatedly adds them and take a look:


Superhot(tm) mode

Just for fun, we’ve added a new gameplay option. Just like its namesake, when enabled, time stops unless you are pressing a button.


Find it in the Game options menu!

Fixes and improvements

As usual, there are bug fixes and neat improvements in addition to the new features, that are worth upgrading for. Check it out in the release notes, and as always happy gaming! 💥🔫💥

Downloads and release notes: https://github.com/cxong/cdogs-sdl/releases/tag/0.6.9

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