C-Dogs 0.6.6 Released!

31 Oct 2017

Happy Halloween! C-Dogs SDL 0.6.6 released, with two spooky new campaigns, and some cool HUD enhancements!

Grave Intent

A new contributor has created a unique campaign, Grave Intent, with creepy vibes, and skeleton enemies!

grave intent

grave intent skeletons

AI Insurgency II

Sauer2 and killer robots are back, in this action-packed sequel campaign!

AI Insurgency II

HUD improvements

There’s a bunch of HUD improvements in this release. Ammo notifications as covered in the last post, some text popups when you pick things up, showing a map in a second window, health gauge animations, and more! Thanks to new contributors Ottani and davidrgmcb for some of these.

Downloads and release notes: https://github.com/cxong/cdogs-sdl/releases/tag/0.6.6